The right amount of design. For the product to succeed. 

Photography. Graphic. Physical Design. Made to fit all your distribution outlets.

Tangible and Digital Asset Generation

Thoughts and ideas are abundant. 

We aim to meet the needs. We like to discuss the concepts of your ideas and what it means to get the right message across to the reader/audience. We specialize in unique product photography and can help you get the right aesthetic for your brand. We find that talking to folks with a different point of view, will help narrow down what you are looking for. Community and a network of folks is invaluable for clarity in finding solutions that your brand will use to help the world. Reach out to chat.


Everything starts with an idea. We brainstorm to understand, plan and solve the main gist to execute your project needs successfully.


Executing and creating is where the meat on the bone is at. We use digital, tangible materials and a multitude of building methods to bring the idea to life.


Deciding where we distribute the final creations is where the accomplishments and hard work become a reality.


Julinas Spark is a packaging and graphic designer. We have a passion for making products people can enjoy and make part of their lives.

We work with small and medium sized businesses to create digital assets to promote and support their creations and ideas. You can find more information about the products and services we offer below. 

You can also click on the store button to browse our Etsy products store at the bottom of the page.